Best M&A Software For Deal Makers

The modern dealmaker needs a solid personal network, sharp wit and the right tools. The best software for deal makers optimizes workflows and enhances task management, while strengthening the security of data. Dealmakers are able to close more sales and make better returns.

A reliable M&A platform will include central project management tools for collaboration, communication and project management and robust integration APIs to streamline and enhance use of niche tools. This allows for more efficient M&A and eliminates the risks of multiple sites handling the data that could result in greater security risks and a unnecessary work. An example of this is Sourcescrub, which provides an AI-powered deal sourcing tool that provides professionals in private equity and investing an all-encompassing view of private markets from 15 million companies and more than 150,000 sources. The solution offers augmented analytics with real-time target alerts that are in real time, relationship intelligence custom scores and integrated CRM features that are pre-built.

Grata is another M&A software worth a look. It allows for an even more thorough due diligence process through the analysis of billions of datapoints. It also uncovers the risk factors that could be a financial risk as well as conflicts with existing portfolios. It also aids dealmakers in make better informed decisions by providing data and insight on the investment themes, valuations of industries and company valuations.

When you’re dealing with eSignatures, one of the most important features in the M&A Process, it’s essential that the solution is integrated seamlessly with the rest of the firm’s technological stack. Mat and Rebecca decided to go with HelloSign as an eSignature solution that provides top-tier security and confidence while seamlessly integrating into the DealMaker program to give a seamless experience their clients.

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